Friday, December 11, 2009

More on CI's

My last post about the CI was to leave you thinking. Hopefully you did just that. After much consideration on the subject, I feel it is not my "place" to speak further about my opinion on whether getting a CI is important or not. I am not the one affected by Deafness and I cannot even begin to imagine a life filled with complete silence. I also could not even begin to have a complete understanding of what it means to have "Deaf pride" because I am not a true member of that community. Therefore, I do not feel it is right for me to judge whether one should consider a CI or not.

On the other hand, I will say that we should always be proud of who we are and what we have become. It is important to have confidence in yourself - not your material things. With or without hearing, we all experience heartache, love, happiness, pain, tears, etc. Whether we are Deaf or whether we can hear, we are all people living on this earth trying (hopefully) to make the best of what God has given us.

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